Space Station 13 Colonial Marines
Space Station 13 also known by its other variants, Goonstation, /tg/station. Follows one of currently four types: Baystation, /tg/station, Colonial Marines,. The Marine Assault Unit, or MAU, is the building block of Colonial Marine combat forces, a reinforced battalion designed for independent deep-space operations far from reinforcement or logistical support.
Why is it so popular? When thinking about it, it's kind of why Call of Duty and all those shooters are more popular than stealth based, or more of a freeform game like ss13 at it's core. Literally, you pick up a gun, and shoot at the bad guys. I've been off for quite some time, with zero bans, and I'm a bit disappointed. When I last played, it felt like doing those shooters in fucking roblox back in 2009. Grab a gun. Get mission. Shoot aliens. Fail rp. etc. And maybe that's why it's popular? But I've noticed that it's sort of like the gateway to ss13 servers. First, do CM, kinda like Call of Duty, kiddie's first game. Then, as you get experienced, you notice how one dimensioned the gameplay is, and you move on to servers like goonstation and such. And don't be too proud about yourselves CM. Paradise is your runner-up. Again, don't get triggered over reddit posts like you usually do. Think about this.
Space Station 13 Colonial Marines Actions
##/tg/station v1.0.1
IRC: irc:// or if you dont have an IRC client, you can click here.
There are a number of ways to download the source code. Some are described here, an alternative all-inclusive guide is also located at
Option 1:Follow this:
Option 2:Install GitHub::windows from handles most of the setup and configuraton of Git for you.Then you simply search for the -tg-station repository and click the big clonebutton.
Option 3: Download the source code as a zip by clicking the ZIP button in thecode tab of this will use a lot of bandwidth if you wish to update and is a lot ofhassle if you want to make any changes at all, so it's not recommended.)
First-time installation should be fairly straightforward. First, you'll needBYOND installed. You can get it from Once you've donethat, extract the game files to wherever you want to keep them. This is asourcecode-only release, so the next step is to compile the server files.Open tgstation.dme by double-clicking it, open the Build menu, and clickcompile. This'll take a little while, and if everything's done right you'll geta message like this:
If you see any errors or warnings, something has gone wrong - possibly a corruptdownload or the files extracted wrong. If problems persist, ask for assistancein irc://
Once that's done, open up the config folder. You'll want to edit config.txt toset the probabilities for different gamemodes in Secret and to set your serverlocation so that all your players don't get disconnected at the end of eachround. It's recommended you don't turn on the gamemodes with probability 0,except Extended, as they have various issues and aren't currently being tested,so they may have unknown and bizarre bugs. Extended is essentially no mode, andisn't in the Secret rotation by default as it's just not very fun.
You'll also want to edit config/admins.txt to remove the default admins and addyour own. 'Game Master' is the highest level of access, and probably the oneyou'll want to use for now. You can set up your own ranks and find out more inconfig/admin_ranks.txt
The format is
where the admin rank must be properly capitalised.
Ss13 Solaris Ridge
Finally, to start the server, run Dream Daemon and enter the path to yourcompiled tgstation.dmb file. Make sure to set the port to the one youspecified in the config.txt, and set the Security box to 'Safe'. Then press GOand the server should start up and be ready to join. It is also recommended thatyou set up the SQL backend (see below).
###HOSTING ON LINUXWe use BYGEX for some of our text replacement related code. Unfortunately, weonly have a windows dll included right now. You can find a version known to compile on linux, along with some basic install instructions here
To update an existing installation, first back up your /config and /data foldersas these store your server configuration, player preferences and banlist.
Then, extract the new files (preferably into a clean directory, but updating inplace should work fine), copy your /config and /data folders back into the newinstall, overwriting when prompted except if we've specified otherwise, andrecompile the game. Once you start the server up again, you should be runningthe new version.
/tg/station currently comes equipped with three maps.
All maps have their own code file that is in the base of the _maps directory. Instead of loading the map directly we instead use a code file to include the map and then include any other code changes that are needed for it; for example MiniStation changes the uplink items for the map. Follow this guideline when adding your own map, to your fork, for easy compatibility.
If you want to load a different map, just open the corresponding map's code file in Dream Maker, make sure all of the other map code files are unticked in the file tree, in the left side of the screen, and then make sure the map code file you want is ticked.
Anytime you want to make changes to a map it's imperative you use the Map Merging tools
Cm Ss13
/tg/station supports loading away missions however they are disabled by default.
Map files for away missions are located in the _maps/RandomZLevels directory. Each away mission includes it's own code definitions located in /code/modules/awaymissions/mission_code. These files must be included and compiled with the server beforehand otherwise the server will crash upon trying to load away missions that lack their code.
To enable an away mission open fileList.txt in the _maps/RandomZLevels directory and uncomment one of the .dmm lines by removing the #. If more than one away mission is uncommented then the away mission loader will randomly select one the enabled ones to load.
The SQL backend requires a MySQL server. SQL is required for the library, stats tracking, admin notes, and job-only bans, among other features, mostly related to server administration. Your server details go in /config/dbconfig.txt, and the SQL schema is in /SQL/tgstation_schema.sql and /SQL/tgstation_schema_prefix.sql depending on if you want table prefixes. More detailed setup instructions are located here:
Included in the repository is an IRC bot capable of relaying adminhelps to a specifiedIRC channel/server (thanks to Skibiliano).Instructions for bot setup are included in the /bot folder along with the scriptitself
Please see
All code after commit 333c566b88108de218d882840e61928a9b759d8f on 2014/31/12 at 4:38 PM PST ( is licensed under GNU AGPL v3 ( code before commit 333c566b88108de218d882840e61928a9b759d8f on 2014/31/12 at 4:38 PM PST ( is licensed under GNU GPL v3 (
including tools unless their readme specifies otherwise. See LICENSE-AGPLv3.txt and LICENSE-GPLv3.txt for more details.All content including icons and sound is under a Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SAlicense (